What is Communication? Types of Communication

What is Communication? Types of Communication
One of the important needs of life is communication. It refers to the exchange of ideas, information, messages and feelings between two or more people. Sometimes, we communicate with others just by showing gestures. For example, different movements of our hands, a smile, an angry face, etc. also express our feelings. All living things communicate in some way or the other.

There are oral (verbal), non-verbal, visual and written means of communication.

Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

In verbal communication there is a sound produced by people, animal or a bird. People speak, birds sing and chirp, insects buzz and dogs bark. People also communicate through various means like story telling, singing, etc. Talking without speaking is called non-verbal communication. A look or a gentle touch can communicate a message loud and clear. Sometimes, an angry look or a harsh push also communicates a message.

The red light of the traffic signal tells us to ‘stop’ and the green signal tells us to ‘go’. Through dances, we communicate a story or a theme to a group of people. The dancer communicates with us through facial expressions and the mudras of hands.

People who cannot speak or hear convey their needs, thoughts and feelings through sign language.

Visual and Written Communication

Visual communication is expressed through drawings, designs, television, cinema, drama and dance.

We can also communicate through letters. This is called postal communication. This is also called written communication.

People write letters to communicate. In olden days, pigeons carried messages from one place to another. Camels were also used to carry letters in desert regions. Then people and vehicles began to carry mails from one place to another.

Later, the postal system developed. Post cards, inland letters and letters in envelopes were used.

We also send greeting cards to our loved ones on different occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

We use aerogramme or airmail to send letters to people living outside India.

If we want to send a letter urgently, we can send it through speed post or courier service. These services deliver letters and other documents very fast.

When we send a letter or greeting card, we should remember to write the address of the person to whom we are sending the message. PIN code of the place should also be written. This helps the postal department to locate the place of delivery easily and deliver the letter to the correct person.

We should also remember to write our (sender’s) name and address correctly so that if the addressee (the person to whom the letter is sent) is not found, the letter could be delivered back to us. We should also affix the stamps as required.

Journey of a Letter

A letter is posted in the letter box or given in the post office. The postman stamps them with the seal of the post office and sorts them according to the places. They are sent by trains, aeroplanes, buses or vans.

The postman at the place of delivery collects them and takes them for distribution.

Electronic Communication

Today, communication has become very fast and easy. Internet and phone are used to communicate with people who live at far-away places, even in foreign countries.

The telephone, mobile phone, fax and internet are a few means of electronic communication.

Mobiles or cellphones can be used even while travelling. We can talk to a person anywhere in the world through a telephone. To connect to different cities within the country, we use STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) and to make calls outside the country we use ISD (International Subscriber Dialing) facility.

With the internet facility of the computers, pictures and text messages can be sent from one computer to another. This system is called e-mail. The message is delivered instantly.

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