What is Root System? What are the Different Parts of a Plant

Plants range from small grass to huge trees. We see around us small plants like herbs, bushes, vines, ferns, mosses, etc. and trees like banyan tree, mango tree, coconut tree, etc. Huge trees are found in rainforests. Plants provide us with food, wood and most importantly, oxygen.

Roots, stem, leaves, buds, flowers and fruits are the main parts of a plant. All parts of a plant above the soil are together known as shoot system and the part of the plant inside the soil is called root system.

Different Parts of a Plant


The part of a plant that is found under the soil is called root. Roots are of two types- fibrous root and tap root.

Fibrous roots consist of many small roots which branch out in all directions. For example, the root of grass, wheat or paddy. They are not very deep. Tap root is a single root and as such it is thick. This main root also has small branches. Most of the roots that we use as our food are tap roots. These roots go deep inside the soil.

Roots as Food

Carrot, radish, beetroot and tapioca store food in their roots. These roots are used as food. Many people use yam and tapioca as their staple food.

These roots are taken as food especially at the time of famine.

Aerial Roots and Buttress Roots

Some trees, though firmly rooted in the soil, develop roots from its branches too. Thus they form secondary roots or aerial roots. Banyan tree has many aerial roots which hang downward from its branches and get attached to the soil. These roots support the long branches of the banyan tree like pillars. Buttress roots are tall roots that grow on all sides of a tall tree for extra support.

Functions of the Roots

  • 1. Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. The roots of asparagus and pumpkin also store water in order to use them in dry season.
  • 2. Some roots store food for the plant.
  • 3. Roots absorb nutrients needed for the growth of the plant. This is done by the thin hair like roots. Then, they send them to different parts of the plant.
  • 4. Roots firmly anchor the plant in the soil.
  • 5. Roots support the stem of the plant.
  • 5. Some roots help the plant to propagate. For example, jasmine plants are propagated from roots. They produce buds along the roots that grow near the surface of the ground. Such roots are also called propagative roots.
  • 7. Roots hold the soil and prevent soil erosion.

Wild and Domestic Plants

Originally, the trees belonged to the people who lived in the forests. They were the tribal people. They lived in forests and looked after the forests. Forest was their home and it provided them with food, water, medicine and shelter. They never sold trees to make money. For them, forests were essential for their survival. There are different kinds of trees and plants. Some trees and plants grow without being planted. They are known as wild plants or trees.

People plant trees around their homes. They are domestic plants or trees. People usually plant fruit trees, medicinal plants and trees that bring cash when sold. For example, guava, mango, neem, teak, rosewood trees and tulsi plants are domestic plants and trees. People who own these trees, take care of them.

Nature lovers love plants and trees. They plant saplings, protect them and help them to grow. Trees take in carbon dioxide to prepare their food and give out oxygen. Thus, trees purify the air and give us fresh air to breathe. Clean surroundings keep us healthy. Trees give us food and shelter too. We cannot live without them. So, we should take care of plants and trees and protect this “Green World”.

Uses of Forest

  • 1. Forest gives us food and shelter.
  • 2. Forest gives us oxygen and medicine.
  • 3. Forest causes rain.
  • 4. Forest makes the area cool.
  • 5. Forest takes away carbon dioxide.
  • 6. Forest controls the climate.
  • 7. Forest checks soil erosion.
  • 8. Forest gives shelter to animals.

Sacred Grove

Some trees are considered sacred. Banyan and peepal trees are worshipped. Almost in all states of India, we find sacred groves, temple forests and sacred gardens. We also find sacred groves near the sources of water and on top of the hills. In the form of sacred groves, the forests are preserved and protected. People do not cut wood from these sacred places. Only dead and fallen trees are used.

There are many tribes known for the protection of forests and animals. Bishnois of Rajasthan are committed towards protecting forests and wildlife. They lay emphasis on protecting the gift of God- the nature. Chipko Movement was begun for the protection of trees.

Forest Today

Forest area is reducing day by day due to illegal cutting down of forests. So, special laws have come into existence to protect trees. The government has laid stress on plantation of trees. Government has begun to take the ownership of forests. The forest department takes care of the forests.

Today, people are not allowed to cut down trees without the permission of this department. Illegal cutting down of forests is a big offence.

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