What is Pollution of Water, Causes, Effects, Prevention

What is Pollution of Water
Water on Earth is mostly present in seas and oceans. Sea water is of no use as it is salty. Thus, we can say that very less fresh water is available for drinking and agricultural purposes.

As such, it is necessary to save water and not make the water bodies dirty or polluted. Addition of harmful substances in the water bodies makes them polluted.

Pollution of Water

Many human activities make water dirty or contaminated. It is called water pollution.

Today, our rivers, ponds, lakes and oceans are contaminated with dirt from houses, industries and hospitals. People throw plastics, garbage, electronic wastes, etc. into the water bodies and pollute them. People bathe in water bodies and even wash utensils and clothes in them. They also bathe their cattle in ponds, river, etc.

Industries too release all the waste water into rivers and oceans. Oil spill is another major cause of pollution. Besides, water is polluted with pesticides and chemical fertilisers used in fields. These are washed down by rains into our ponds, lakes and rivers. Thus, our fresh water bodies also get polluted.

Industrial, hospital and household waste water dumped into rivers and ponds is the main cause of water pollution.

Effects of Water Pollution

Water in wells, ponds, lakes and rivers becomes contaminated due to many human activities. Bacteria, fungi and other virus grow in polluted water. People fall sick when they use this water for drinking, cooking, bathing or washing.

Animals are also affected as the result of water pollution. Water birds cannot survive in oil spilled water. Other water animals also face breathing problems. The oxygen in water is used up by the microbes. Hence water animals die due to lack of oxygen.

Water is a Scarce Resource

Water is called blue gold because it is very precious. Areas receiving less rainfall face droughts. The land becomes dry and parched. Crops and cattle die and people starve to death. Water has become scarce due to less rainfall. Deforestation and air pollution are two main reasons for less rainfall.

Many people stand in long queues and wait for many hours for a pot of water.

Struggle to Save Water

This is a true incident of the Plachimada village of Palakkad district in Kerala. The Coca-cola Company was drawing millions of litres of underground water to make soft drinks. This plant exploited groundwater heavily in areas around the bottling unit. The water level in the wells decreased and the villagers did not have enough water even for their daily use.

The people of the village protested with the support of the Gram Panchayat. When the matter was referred to the court, the decision was made in favour of the villagers. Finally, the unit was forced to close down.

Let us Protect our Water Bodies

We have to protect our water bodies otherwise, in future, we may not get enough water for our survival. We should make efforts to keep the water clean. We must conserve water as well as prevent it from getting polluted.

The following ways will help to save water and prevent water pollution-

  • Save water by turning off the tap when not in use.
  • Reduce your wastage quantity.
  • Repair faulty pipes and leaking taps.
  • Do not throw away waste into any of the water bodies.
  • Avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilisers. These may flow into the nearby water bodies.
  • Factory wastes should be treated and harmful chemicals should be removed.
  • To prevent contamination, wells should be kept covered.
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